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How to obtain authorization from the Xunta de Galicia to travel to the Cíes Islands or the Island of Ons

Here are the steps to follow to obtain the authorization to travel to the Cíes Islands and Ons Island. We remind you that it is mandatory whenever you travel during Easter or from May 15 to September 15. May 15 to September 15 .

Important facts to know about this “Authorization”:

  • It can be taken 90 days in advance of the date you plan to travel.
  • You can also cancel up to 15 days before your trip.
  • The maximum number of places per application is 10 people.

And these are the steps to follow to have it:

1. Access the website

Web Authorization Xunta de Galicia

2. Enter the visitor’s section of the Cíes Islands or Ons Island (depending on destination)


3. Select the date of your visit


4. Select number of places


5. Accept the conditions


6. Fill in personal data


7. Add data of accompanying persons (if more than one person is attending)


8. Confirm the operation

Once you have the authorization, you can buy your tickets to discover the wonderful Cíes Islands or the Island of Ons with our shipping company Piratas de Nabia Shipping Company .

We remind you that we depart from the ports of Vigo, Cangas, Bueu, Portonovo, Moaña, Panxón, Portonovo and A Pobra do Caramiñal (the last 4 ports only apply to special dates).

In addition, if you want your tickets to be cheaper, we remind you that you have the discount code PIRATES24 with which we will discount you 2€ for adults and 1€ for children between 4-12 years old.

Here you have more information about the Cíes Islands and about the Island of Ons .

You can also call us at 986 320 048 and we will answer any questions you may have.

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