Celebrate World Oceans Day in the Cíes Islands

Next “Saturday June 8” the Cluster Nautico Rías Baixas (formerly Ría de Vigo) has organized a spectacular activity to the Cíes Islands.
Thanks to the sponsorship of the “Conselleria do Mar” and the involvement as organizers of SurfPaddleVigo, Fundación Translatio and our shipping company, we invite you to enjoy the #WorldOceanDay in the #IslasCíes 📸💚.
The activity consists of:
– A round trip to the Cíes Islands with Pirates of Nabia
– A guided visit to the Island
– A seaweed workshop in the Hidria Segundo boat-museum
– A visit to the Nautilus underwater viewer
– And a seaweed skewer + a drink at the NaBeira restaurant in Vigo.
🖥️ To book, you can do it through this link: www.piratasdenabia.com
☎️ Or by calling 986 320 048
We hope to see many of you on board celebrating this special day surrounded by nature in a National Park.